Today, we delve into a subject that has intrigued humanity for centuries – the possibility of bringing the dead back to life. Let’s unravel the fascinating story of American scientist Dr. Robert E. Cornish and his audacious quest to demonstrate this remarkable feat. Dr. Cornish was an American scientist with an insatiable curiosity for exploring the boundaries of life and death. His unyielding passion led him to conduct extensive research on the revival of deceased individuals, and it was his groundbreaking work that would leave an indelible mark on the field of medical science.

The ‘Artificial Hibernation’ Technique

After years of relentless research, Dr. Cornish unveiled the ‘artificial hibernation’ technique. In this daring approach, the bodies of recently deceased individuals were frozen, with a combination of various medicines used to restart their vital organs. It was a concept that both fascinated and terrified the scientific community.

A Canine Experiment: A Glimpse of the Extraordinary

In 1930, Dr. Cornish put his theories to the test, conducting an unprecedented experiment on a deceased dog. Placing the lifeless canine on a see-saw, he administered injections of epinephrine and anticoagulants. The results were nothing short of extraordinary. The dog was briefly revived, offering a glimmer of hope, but the elation was short-lived. Tragically, the revived canine soon became blind and brain-dead, ultimately reverting to its lifeless state.

The Ambitious Ascent and Abrupt Halt

Undeterred by the mixed results of his experiment on the dog, Dr. Cornish set his sights on human trials. However, the government swiftly imposed a ban on his research, reflecting the ethical and moral dilemmas surrounding his work. Despite the promise it held, the scientific community strongly condemned the audacious experiments.

Cornish’s Legacy: The Birth of Cryonics

While Dr. Cornish’s technique faced significant moral and practical challenges, it made a remarkable contribution to the field of cryonics. Today, many individuals hold onto the hope of revival by keeping the bodies of their deceased loved ones at low temperatures. Dr. Cornish’s legacy has played a pivotal role in deepening our understanding of the mysteries surrounding birth and death in the realm of medical science.

Dr. Cornish’s audacious quest, although met with controversy, has undoubtedly broadened the horizons of scientific exploration, beckoning us to ponder the intricacies of life and death.

Next: Crazy experiment to weigh Human Soul Weight


  • Pearson, Helen. “Raising the Dead.” Nature 483, no. 7390 (2012): 390. [Paper]
  • Shaer, Matthew. “Scientists Are Giving Dead Brains New Life. What Could Go Wrong?.” The New York Times Magazine (2019): 29. [Article]

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